New here and will make this a permanent link on the computer!
I have finished restoring this colourful Yaesu FRG-7000. Recapped, aligned, cleaned circuit boards, plugs, sockets, connectors and etc.
However, the clock display has a missing segment. The wire bonds is not secured to the LED segment (see photos).
So I am looking for either a:
– parts frg-7000
– the LED block which plugs into the circuit board
– the LED block and circuit board
These are easily replaced without soldering or de-soldering and my circuit board is fully functional. The fault is the LED block.
Hope someone locally can help.
Geoff in White Rock
I have restored many radios as a hobby in the last 30 years but love this LED display as that was the first digit tech I group up with other than nixie and panaplex.
Cheers and happy new year!