BC Lower Mainland

About the BCLM Chapter

The BC Lower Mainland (BCLM) Chapter was organized in 2010 to meet the needs of members in and around the Greater Vancouver area. The Chapter defines its vision as working to provide opportunities for local vintage radio enthusiasts to meet, pass on information and knowledge, swap radios and test equipment, and to just indulge in the world of vintage radio for a couple of hours on a Sunday.

Map of British Columbia

About the BCLM Chapter

The BC Lower Mainland (BCLM) Chapter was organized in 2010 to meet the needs of members in and around the Greater Vancouver area. The Chapter defines its vision as working to provide opportunities for local vintage radio enthusiasts to meet, pass on information and knowledge, swap radios and test equipment, and to just indulge in the world of vintage radio for a couple of hours on a Sunday.

When, Where, What, and Why?

Members of the BCLM Chapter meet at 12:00 noon, on the third Sunday in January, March, May, September and November at the community centre in Charles Rummel Park, 3315-3665 Lozells Ave, Burnaby. The  meetings have an informal structure of networking, mini-fleamarket/auctions, workshops, repair clinics and informative presentations.


BCLM Chapter membership and meetings are coordinated by Ken Patenaude (Tel: 604-856-0253). Contact Ken for information on joining the BCLM Chapter, to arrange for a Show-and-Tell, to submit suggestions for future meeting topics, or for any other details about BCLM activities.