Affiliated Newsletters

The CVRS has established links and reciprocal agreements enabling the exchange and publication of articles, news, and other items with more than 20 local, national and international vintage radio organizations.

Links are provided to each of the publishing organization’s websites and also to their publications where possible. Some organizations allow non-members access to all or samples of their publications.  Most of these sites are worth visiting on their own as they contain interesting and valuable technical and historical information.

Publications in languages other than English can often be translated by using an online pdf translator service such as Onlinedoctranslator, and websites can usually be translated within your web browser, eg. using Google Translate.

Newsletter Affiliations


Ottawa Vintage Radio Club (OVRC): ‘The OVRC Newsletter

London Vintage Radio Club (LVRC): ‘The Loudspeaker

La Société Québécoise des Collectionneurs de Radios Anciens (SQCRA): ‘The Radiophilie


Antique Wireless Association (AWA) : ‘The AWA Journal

Antique Radio Club of Illinois (ARCI):  ‘ARCI News

California Historical Radio Society (CHRS): ‘The CHRS Journal

Delaware Valley Historical Radio Club (DVHRC): ‘The Oscillator

Houston Vintage Radio Association (HVRA): ‘The Grid Leak’)

New Jersey Antique Radio Club (NJARC): ‘The Jersey Broadcaster

North West Vintage Radio Society (NVRS): ‘Call Letter

Oklahoma Vintage Radio Collectors (OKVRC): ‘Broadcast News

Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society (PARS): ‘The Pittsburgh Oscillator

Puget Sound Antique Radio Association (PSARA)


Norwegian Historical Radio Society (NRHF)

Netherlands Historical Radio Society (NVHR): ‘Radio Historisch Tijdschrift

Irish Vintage Radio and Sound Society (IVRSS)

Gesellschaft der Freunde der Geschichte des Funkwesens (Germany – GFGF): ‘Die Funkgeschichte’

The Antique Wireless Association of Southern Africa (AWASA): ‘AWASA Newsletter

Vintage Radio Club of North East Victoria (VRCNRC)

Historical Radio Society of Australia (HRSA): ‘Radio Waves

New Zealand Vintage Radio Society (NZVRS): ‘NZVRS Bulletin

British Vintage Wireless Society (BVWS) Bulletin Issues