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    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    This one is coming up for sale and I don’t know the make or model/ can anyone Id the radio?
    It looks like it has Rogers grill cloth.
    Dan in Calgary

    Bruce Winter
    CVRS Member

    Hi Dan
    It has an oval insignia just above the grill, below the middle knob. I can’t zoom in on it though. Could it be a Sparton?

    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    Good morning Bruce.. We did find out that the radio is a Westinghouse model 165.
    I did buy the radio. the cabinet is a in fair condition. Here are some photos.
    Dan in Calgary

    Bruce Winter
    CVRS Member

    Nice wood on the radio Dan – thanks for identifying the make/model. Another fall project !

    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    Thanks Bruce”
    I don’t know if I will get to it this fall, but I hope so.
    If you like the wood on these radios I must show my latest one that I finally got into the house.
    It is a DeForest Crosley type 70 ” Buckingham” . The wood on it is real nice. I guess it is my second best radio next to the rogers 10-12.
    Although the curved sides on both radios are about the same, but as you know there are no two cabinets the same
    Here are some photos. and one of the 10-12

    Bruce Winter
    CVRS Member

    Hi Dan –
    That “Buckingham” is a beautiful radio. Lovely restoration work. Love the picture of the dial.
    Hope the Westinghouse comes up as nicely.
    Thanks for sharing those photos.

    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    Thanks for the comments:
    I know the Westinghouse cabinet will come out as good as the Buckingham, but right now I am having some problems with the Westinghouse.
    I have changed the caps and all I get is a very low hum in the speaker and my plate voltages are too high.
    I set it on the shelf for a few days, because I get a little frustrated not knowing as much as I would like to know about these radios.
    I am self taught in the electronics area, so I have to learn as I go.
    I will get it going sooner or later, and it might be a winter project
    Dan in Calgary

    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    I worked on the chassis of the Westinghouse model 165 and I had a awful motor boating with a high pitched squeal.
    I went through everything I could think of to get it working , and a friend of mine Peter Heembrock said ” make sure the tube shields are in place.”
    Well after I put the shields on it works very good.
    I did not think it would make that much difference, but it did.
    When I bought the radio there were no tube shields on it, so I never gave it another thought.
    A lesson learned.
    Dan in Calgary

    Don Henschel
    Forum Participant

    I agree as well about the Buckingham and it is a great home for a Corintian as well ;-). I only haven3 consoles, the rest are table top. One of the consoles I haven’t identified yet and it is very unusual! It is battery but not the typical battery type. It has a vibrator supply and a shelf for a 6 volt auto/tractor battery so most likely intended for entertainment out at the farm. Pull the battery from the tractor and if it gets discharged too much flip the engine over with the crank and work the field all day to charge the battery. Either that or use the Wincharger (yes I got one of those as well) to charge it.

    John Robertson
    Forum Participant

    I always check the value of the resistors when recapping a radio or other vintage electronics. These have a strong tendancy to drift out of spec which typically is +/- 10% of the value shown on the schematic. Schematic should show the wattage too.
    Once new caps and resistors are all verified then check the plate voltages against the schematics. If good move on to next tube, if bad check grid and cathode voltages…
    John :-#)#

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by John Robertson. Reason: Typos...gah!
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by John Robertson.
    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    I finally got this GE console cabinet all finished.
    I cleaned it with go jo hand cleaner and gave it a coat of Trade Secret [see photo]
    It has the original finish and looks pretty good.
    And with the tube shields in place it sounds very nice.

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