Hello. I am looking for felt padding used to go around the perimeter of a large (24″ long x 6″ wide) rectangular dial glass. The padding is felt and is 3/8″ wide x 1/8″ thick. I require 6 feet of the stuff. I have tried all of the local fabric and picture mounting services but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated in this search. Thank you.
I have used a type of felt that comes in squares 8″X10″ , and I believe I got it at Micaeles. [hobby fabrics]
The stuff I got came in several colors and it has adhesive on the back.
It is not as long as you need but you can cut strips and also put them on top of each other,
to get the size, width and length that you need.
I have used it on many glass dials that require a padded material between the glass and the chassis.
Dan in Calgary.
Hello, here is an update to my search. I lucked out on finding some brown felting for my dial glass. I went to Fanny’s Fabrics in Regina and they did not stock any 3/8″ on a roll but they cut a 1/8″ thick – 36″ long roll to a 8″ wide (their minimum cutting of the roll) by 36″ piece strip for me. They stocked various colors. Also that day all of the fabric was on for 50% off. The price was very reasonable.