Home Forums Radio Parts Wish List WTB good bright 6E5 eye tubes

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    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    I did order some eye tubes from the United States and I paid the seller for the shipping.
    When They arrived I was told that the shipping was $50.00. I told the carrier that I had already paid for shipping.
    He told me ‘it was customs”, so I refused the shipment. { I don’t want to get political here]
    I would like to buy some 6E5 eye tubes from someone in Canada, so I don’t have this problem again.

    I do know that shipping is not cheap, but I need the tubes, so if someone has some for sale please let me know.
    Dan in calgary

    Forum Participant

    Hi Dan,

    I don’t have any tubes for sale, but I don’t seem to be able to Private Message you. Can you send me a message that I can reply to?


    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    I also can’t send you a private message.
    I am going to see if i can figure out this forum since the changes.

    Lee Whitehead
    CVRS Member

    I use https://www.a1parts.com/ in Toronto or you could try Mario as noted in a forum post here just a few days ago.

    John Greenland
    Forum Participant


    I can’t help you with a 6E5 but I do have an unused JAN CRC-6U5.

    See attached pic.

    If you are interested send me an email.

    TTFN John G.

    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    Hi john. The forum is having problems with sending Private messages and .
    I don’t see anywhere that I can click on to send an email also can’t send you a private message.
    The guys are trying to fix the problem.
    I am interested in the 6U5 tube also

    John Greenland
    Forum Participant
    Sterling Spurrell
    Forum Participant

    what are you paying for a nos 6u5?

    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    I did fine two 6E5 tube locally , here in calgary and I bought one from John Greenland.
    The going price seems to be about $25.00 per tube.
    I think I am good for a while,,,until I buy more radios, which I always seem to do
    Dan in Calgary.

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by Dan Walker.
    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by Dan Walker.
    Sterling Spurrell
    Forum Participant

    no worries, 25 is low

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