Home Forums Electronics Restoration Tube Tester 5-Pin Socket

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  • #2601
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    I own a couple of vacuum tube emission testers, a Knight 600 Series and a Heathkit TC-2. I noticed that the TC-2 has an extra tube socket, a mini 5-pin. The Knight does not. However I have never encountered mini 5-pin tubes in the North American radios I have seen. I’m curious to know whether anyone has encountered such tubes, and if so in what type of equipment and which era. Thank you for your comments!

    Forum Participant

    Would love to see a photo of the socket in question. I don’t own a TC-2 to check it out. Thanks.


    Forum Participant

    Sure, I just took a close-up picture of my TC-2 and the little 5-pin is the socket in the center of the attached photo. Thanks.

    Download DSCN3388a.JPG. (Caution: This file may not be virus scanned.)

    Forum Participant

    The TC-2 manual states it’s a 6 pin tube socket but I have no idea what type of tube would use it. Maybe John at Pacific TV would know.


    Forum Participant

    You’re right: the socket’s "center hole" appears to actually be a metal pin connector. That makes it a 6-pin miniature socket 😳

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