Home Forums Electronics Restoration Rogers 6r932 11/95,11/97

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  • #1410
    Forum Participant

    I am looking for some help in finding out if anyone has photos of this radio. I am having an issue with finding out how to change the broadcast mode of this radio. it is wired to the tone control to rotate the dial but mine seems to be missing something in order to make it work. If anyone would have a photo or information in regard to this radio could you get back to me.
    Also I am looking for a 6F7M tube for this radio or a subsutute if anyone would know where I might find one.


    Forum Participant

    ok so I dont need this tube now found out I was testing the wrong tube.LOL These Rogers M tubes throw me off some times. But any help with how to turn the dial would still be a great help.

    Robin in Kansas
    Forum Participant

    Hey, Scoob!

    I’m not sure how different it is but there are some photos of a Rogers 7R932 chassis at AntiqueRadios.com.


    Hope this helps.

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