Home Forums For Sale / Wanted RCA made in CANADA model 823 parts unit most parts are there..cheap.. $7

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  • #25323
    Earl Andrews
    CVRS Member

    RCA made in CANADA model 823 parts unit most parts are there..cheap.. $7 I have sold a coil to a fellow in USA who is repairing one of these radios but all the rest of the parts are there. See pictures. Im willing to sell off parts (tubes I can test)– if I cannot sell these parts Im going to junk the radio in about 1 year. e waste. I am travelling down to Ottawa from Elliot Lake 7 Sept and Iam attending a ham radio flea market in CARP west end of Ottawa on the 9th. — I can make stops along the way (hwy 17 route) and I may be going to Eganville as well. I would also be interested in radios or radio parts for my hobby business (nettyelectronics.com). IAM BIG into radio crystals and I also sell other parts including tubes and transistors and sub assemblies and ham/cb radios. feel free to write me earl

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