In the topic on the Quadraformer Radio I mentioned this magazine.
It was published in the 1920’s by the Henry M. Neely Publishing Company and had many articles on homebuilding popular radio designs. One of the prominent contributors was David Grimes and that magazine is a good source of information on his designs.
The University of Chicago Library has digitized about 27 issues from June 1923 toDecember 1925. This link may take you to them–!11773641~!3100001~!3100002&aspect=subtab13&menu=search&ri=1&source=~!horizon&term=Radio+in+the+home&index=ALTITLP
I have found connecting through the link to be a problem at times. The other way to get in is to Google “The University of Chicago Library” and then search for “Radio In The Home”. It should appear a short way down the page, click on it, and the list will come up. The issues are downloadable and printable.