Home Forums Show & Tell No 19 Wireless sets

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    Don K Dulmage
    Forum Participant

    I picked up a pair of No 19 Wireless Sets. One is a Canadian MkII and after some minor repairs I powered it up from an old 1950s vibrator 12 volt supply and it works. being a Ham as well I tried the transmitter. Also works. I haven’t put it on air yet as I have no cabling but was using clip wires to power it and a small screwdriver to trigger push to talk. I am making the power cable as we speak. The second set was quite rough although deeper inspection revealed mostly cosmetic and two power tubes missing (6v6 and an 807) I treated the external rust to a molasses paste and in a week or so will remove it and seal the offending area with paint. I may power up its receiver just on the off chance it also works.Electrically nothing appears to be damaged or gotten wet. Jut the outside of the left chassis and one switch. I have also a pair of US Navy Arc 5 transmitters I have up and working and I use occasionally. These being transceivers are just that much nicer. Only one is Canadian Production. The Other is a MKIII and has no badge of manufacture.
    don VE3LYX

    Jean Marcotte
    CVRS Member

    Hi Don,

    can you explain how the “molasses paste” work ? I never heard of it.


    Jean Marcotte

    Forum Participant

    I have the complete working instructions for the #19 wireless set.The manual is in excellent conditions and contains photos and schematics as well as maint. and operating instructions.I could be persuaded to sell it

    Don K Dulmage
    Forum Participant

    Molasses Paste,
    I don’t know. I am from an automotive background and for years have used washing soda and reverse electrolysis for heavy cleaning but it requires immersion in water. Often I ran into individuals who were using molasses instead, mostly I figured because whatever Don did they would do better. So I was always mildly curious about the process but since I have a good working system I never tried it. With this radio the rust is all on the outside of the left end chassis and is quite heavy. Inside is pristine so I thought rightly or wrongly this would be the place to try it. I timidly asked the XYL do we have any molasses. “Yes “was the answer “And I never use it so you just take it and use it if you wish.” So I poured a gob or two onto a paper towel and smeared it onto the heavy rust after giving it a quick sanding to remove loose flakes. It has been 6 days. I figured I would give it two weeks so next Saturday I will remove it and let you know.

    Don K Dulmage
    Forum Participant

    Re manual,I am almost afraid to ask how much. I have it working and have schematics. I dont have a lot of spare gold so please excuse my caution. I heard these radio were for sale but really had hoped for a No11 set since I had a pair as a youth. I told the buyer if they didnt sell i would at least gave him something for them rather then see them scraped. I got the feeling he got fed up with foolish questions and empty promises because two weeks ago emailed and said if my offer still stood he was ready to go that way. It wasn’t a generous offer by any means. I certainly didnt expect to find one still servicable. Anyway I am thinking. for me once I have the schematic I probably wont read the manual anyway however it would be neat to have it.

    Jean Marcotte
    CVRS Member

    Very curious to hear about (or see) the result.


    Don K Dulmage
    Forum Participant

    Me too Jean.
    I have the first set all up and running and on the air. It has been a real interesting experience. I need to build a hi voltage vibrator supply for the 807 output tube but tried and tested it at receiver voltage and all was well. AM works as does CW. BFO is good. Volume (gain) control is a bit scratchy so I will try a spray up the shaft and see. It probably hasn’t been moved in 50 years so I guess one shouldn’t be too surprised. Everything else seems to work. Anyway I will tell you the molasses results Sat.

    Don K Dulmage
    Forum Participant

    Re molasses, I took it off today. I see no evidence of anything happening so I am giving it a no good rating.

    Jean Marcotte
    CVRS Member

    OK. Lets keep molasses for cookies, wire brushes and sanding paper for radios. Best of luck with your 19’s.


    John Greenland
    Forum Participant

    I have been following the molasses caper out of curiousity. Being from Newfoundland, one of the main uses for Molasses is to put on toutons, so another use would be new approach to an old idea.

    John G. VO1 CAT

    John Greenland
    Forum Participant

    Further to my previous post;

    I neglected to say that I was sorry to hear that the molasses did not work. I can think of a couple of chassis issues that I would have tried it on.


    John G./ VO1 CAT

    Don K Dulmage
    Forum Participant

    Jut because I didn’t get it to work don’t nix it. It may be I didn’t do it right.
    Meanwhile down in the vintage ham shack the No 19, the good one, is doing a good job. Despite giving only about 6 watts output on AM if conditions are decent on 40M I almost always get a reply. Average distance is around 280 miles as the crow flies. That is a long ways in case you aren’t used to that the Atlantic coast is where I have been talking to. NYC for one. I live in the middle of Ontario between Kingston and Cobourg. NYC would take a day to drive to and a bit but straight is really not that far. I am finding this radio more fun then I dreamed possible.

    Jean Marcotte
    CVRS Member

    John, first time I hear about toutons. I have to plan a trip to Newfoundland to try them. Isn’t molasses used as a basic ingredient for screech ?

    Jean Marcotte

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