Home Forums Cabinet Restoration Looking for photo of Westinghouse model 981

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    I have a radio in my shop that I am doing some work on. The owner had removed the chassis and had the cabinet restored prior to bringing it to me. The cabinet was nicely done but no decals are left on the radio. I wonder if anyone has or can point me to a picture of this radio that is sufficiently detailed for me to see what is missing.

    I have no idea whether any decals are available out there but at least I will know what the radio originally looked like.



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    Hello ClassicsGuy. I recently picked up a 1940 Westinghouse model 981-X. I’m sure these photos will serve you well.

    I am new to this site, not sure how to attach photos.

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    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    Thats a very nice looking Westinghouse radio.. I do like the style. I’ll bet that it looks very nice once you get it all cleaned up. You might try Mark Oppat on Antique Radio Forum for the decals. If he does not have them he probably could put you in touch with someone who has them or can make them.

    Forum Participant

    hi I found a picture of the Westinghouse 981 in case you still need it…,I have a westinghouse console I would like to have restored…its an 785 working condition. maybe you would like to see a picture…good luck
    let me know how your finished product looks. very handsome piece for sure! Radiocat from Nanaimo

    Download w981.jpg. (Caution: This file may not be virus scanned.)

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    A belated thanks to kirbyhill for the great photos. I put the radio aside and got on with other projects. I have just got back to it and back to this forum for the first time this year. Lo and behold here are some very helpful photos. It will be a challenge to get decals for all the knobs although the Westinghouse decal should be available.

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    I am also missing the dial pointer for this radio. I have no idea where I could find one so I am considering making one. Kirby, can you post a clear picture of the dial pointer on your radio?

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