Home Forums Electronics Restoration Help Needed To ID This Radio

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    Bob Masse
    Forum Participant

    Hi! I have a Stromberg-Carlson scroll side radio that I need help to find the appropriate model number. First of all it is not a 500S. It is definitely a Canadian built radio. The tube line up is 5Y4G, 6F6G, 6SA7, 6SK7, 6SQ7. I’ve searched the RCC and had others search for me as well. So I’m thinking someone, somewhere, has the same radio with the sticker, that has the model number on it, still attached. The model number is not on the metal plate attached to the radio. Info will be greatly appreciated. Tks.
    Bob Masse

    Forum Participant

    Your set is a 500s go to this site click on wood radios you will see a pic.http://www.artglassradio.com Tried to post just a pic no luck.
    Capbuster. 😀

    Forum Participant

    capbuster wrote:

    Your set is a 500s go to this site click on wood radios you will see a pic.http://www.artglassradio.com Tried to post just a pic no luck.
    Capbuster. 😀

    Found a 501a 1941 looks almost like your set . Has a different dial face has a star. Pretty sure your,s was not made in Canada.

    Bob Masse
    Forum Participant

    Hi! Thanks for your input. Myself and others have been researching this radio for some time. It is not a 500S because that one takes the AA5 tube line up. It is definitely made in Canada. It has the Canadian Engineering Standards Association sticker on it. All the tubes, the main electrolytic can and the tuning capacitor say made in Canada on them. I contacted the owner, of the radio you provided a link to, last spring. He has the same tube line up as mine and there is no sticker on it to tell what model it is. He said he assumed it was a 500S because of a picture he found online. Someone somewhere must have a radio like this one with the sticker still attached.
    Bob Masse

    Forum Participant

    Man tuff radio to find any info on . I not giving up . have searched a lot of radios . Not going to let this one get me.
    Still searching. 😎

    John Bartley
    Forum Participant

    capbuster wrote:

    Man tuff radio to find any info on . I not giving up . have searched a lot of radios . Not going to let this one get me.
    Still searching. 😎

    I had one similar recently – sold it, but kept the photos. Mine was a model #151. The model number was on the tube chart, and was also the first numbers on the serial number. Yours is slightly different, but close.

    Bob Masse
    Forum Participant

    Hi! John,
    I can’t thank you enough for the info and pictures.
    Bob Masse

    John Bartley
    Forum Participant

    You’re very welcome Bob. It’s not often that I get to give back, so I’m very happy to have been able to help you. Just out of curiosity, what is the serial number on your set?



    Bob Masse
    Forum Participant

    HI! John,
    The serial number on mine is #151948. Thanks again!
    Bob Masse

    Bob Masse
    Forum Participant

    Hey John,
    I just noticed that the RCC as this radio listed as 1941-1942. That means it was built during WWII . Radio production was extremely rare during the war. I’ve even read that tubes were marked MR during the war and were not meant for new production. I believe that was in the USA. This is turning into a very interesting search.
    Bob Masse

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