I picked up this five tube 1920’s homebrew at a local collectors estate sale. It was in fairly good condition but was missing the audio interstage transformers and the grid leak. I suspect that the parts used in its construction may have come in the form of a kit.
The woodwork on the case is a little rough and it was left as the builder left it. The finish was cleaned and a light coat of shellac was sprayed on over the original finish to brighten it up. Most of the radios of the age I perfer have shellac finishes and I find them very easy to restore without stripping. Of course ones with major damage require the full treatment.
Both the chassis and the front panel are hard rubber and have dulled considerably due to age. Cleaning and polishing them just produces a rubber stink and little in results.
The green coils a quite unique. They consist of a primary winding inside the cage and six connected windings outside, each wound in a pyramid fashion.
The type of audio transformers used originally was unknown and since these ones hide under the chassis out of site I installed a pair constructed from chokes used in an old tube organ. A picture of them will be put in the "Restoration" section.