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    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    This one has the original finish and I got it from the original owners son.
    After a good cleanup and a coat of wax and a recap ,it sounds and looks good

    CVRS Member

    Nice to see someone is restoring these large console models! They seem to have fallen out of favour, I guess mainly for the room they use up. This one and your RCA A-33 are good looking projects!



    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    Thanks Don,,I always liked the consoles and I find that a lot of the guys on ARF don’t seem to like them because they take up a lot of room. If I had my way I would have a lot more. I don’t have a large house but I do have 10 in the house and four in the garage waiting to get to. Tomorrow I am going to pick up another one.,a Phonola serenader. After I get them working I usually have a garage sale in the spring so I can sell some of them to people who really enjoy them.. then I buy more so I can work on them.
    I do have a couple of Rogers 10-12s that I won’t sell and of course there are always some I really like and I keep them.
    Now I get a little more pickey in what I buy but I figure it’s my hobby and I will do it the way I like because
    I enjoy fixing them and doing the cabinets. I am posting photos of my last A33[the one I sold]. I had to strip it and redo the whole cabinet

    CVRS Member

    Well, I’m jealous. I’m looking to downsizing in the next year, so in preparation I have been getting rid of anything of size. Right now the only one I have left is a GE F-65 (pic below) only because it’s quasi-deco look works in the room I have it. But I agree with your appreciation for the larger consoles. For whatever reason, I always think “console” when I think of vintage radios. Too bad I don’t live closer to you: I could drop by one of your spring garage sale and stock up! The work you’ve done on the ones you’ve posted looks wonderful.

    Dan Walker
    CVRS Member

    Don ,, I like you radio and also the radio lamp on top of it .. I keep an eye out on Ebay for a nice radio lamp but they are hard to come by.. Dan in Calgary

    CVRS Member

    Yeah, in today’s market the lamp is worth more that the radio! Bought it in an antique fair a few years back.
    Cheers from Richmond.

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