Home Forums Electronics Restoration SPRAY-SHIELD TUBES Reply To: SPRAY-SHIELD TUBES

Eric Strasen
Forum Participant

This sounds like a viable proposition.
One would not have to have access to a sand blaster to prep the tube glass, either. I have a small plastic bottle of some fluid I occasionally use to “frost” pilot light bulbs. Not sure what it is (dilute hydrofluoric acid?).
I certainly can see using this process to convert a 6A8G to a 6A7M for my Rogers Majestic table radio.
On the subject of good looking cabinets, I’d like to recommend a site devoted to Midwest radios. Lots of interesting cabinetry here, and Mike Simpson appears to have devoted his life to collecting as many Midwests as he can find.
I corresponded with him when I scored my 1937 Midwest 16 tube console on eBay, and learned he had done the electronic restoration on the chassis! The seller had refinished the cabinet beautifully. This radio is the centerpiece of my own collection.
Eric S.