Home Forums Electronics Restoration Grimes Radio Serenader 1934-35 Reply To: Grimes Radio Serenader 1934-35

Cameron Burns
Forum Participant

Ok. So i don’t think its the line voltage because i had it connected to the iso transformer and had the voltage just north of 110 volts. But I will definitely check the specified input voltage.

That leaves the possibility of weak tubes or a set designed for 25 Hz. I will look into that as well. This info should be provided with the schematic I assume?

I did put in two 10mfd electrolytics in the power supply. The schematic calls for two eight mfds, so that is a definite possibility. I put the 10’s in for convenience(i didn’t have any 8mfds electrolytics). Would you replace them with 8’s if the other findings are unremarkable?