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Ralph Spracklin
Forum Participant

Morning Darren

Let’s Drink to This One!

I having been doing some additional research on solving your problem, and there just may be a very practical solution to the problem. There are a lot of Arcylic Wine Goblets out there in approximately the same shape and design you need. And you should be able to find the size and shape you need.You would need to cut the stem off and downsize the size of the bowl portion of the glass, These Arcylic Wine Glasses are sold at dozens of Retail Outlet. To name a few, Stokes in your Shopping Mall, Party Suplpy Stores, CTC, The Bayl etc., the list goes on. These Plastic Goblets are also Non-Yellowing, and being Arcylic/Plastic, should be able to be cut down and polished, to give you a factory finished product. However, here’s a WORD OF WARNING should you use Electric Power Tools to shape your new Dome, and as these tools, when operating, can and will possibly generate enough heat to melt the Arcylic, you wll need to keep the Goblet cool. To do that you will need to have cool water running over it for cooling purposes, and that leads to why you canot take it near the Kitchen Sink or Faucet. These are Earth Grounded Fixtures and can cause enough Electric Shock that could KILL YOU. You may question me as to why I carry on this line of thought. Simply put, while most of you reading this post may understand the reason for what and why I say this, there are those out there who are not savy on the dangers of using electrical tools near Earth Grounds. However the use of Battery Operated tools that are not using Plug-in-Adaptors are the only type of Power Tools to use when using them near Earth Grounds. If you or anyone do not understand what I am saying, do not attempt it yourself. Find someone else, more knowledgeable, to do it for you. It could SAVE YOUR LIFE.

Once cut down you can smooth/round it out with reducing grades of sand paper. The finished surface could look unclear to the eye. There are two ways you can onercome this, Pass the area over lightly with a propane torch, being careful not to get the surface too hot, or you can sprac the govlet with a light Clearcoat such as they use when painting an automobile. NOTE: As a lot of those radios out there have a missing dome glass you need to be aware that there is, on the upper surface a little red mark used as a Radio Frequency Marker, so do not forget to include it in your finished product.

