Home Forums Reply To: Northern Electric Console – Identification

Gerry O’Hara
CVRS Member

I have been doing some further research on the Northern Electric console this week. I had a response to my appeal for info from Paul Guibord of the Ottawa Vintage Radio Society (OVRS). It would seem that this set is closest to the ‘Queen Mary’ Model 911 – the cabinet style is very close, but the chassis layout does not match. It was suggested that the chassis could be from an American Bosch model, as it would seam that most 1930’s Northern Electric models were actually designed by Western Electric who shared intellectual property with United American Bosch of Springfield Mass, However, I checked American Bosch’s schematics for this period and could not find a match (though not all had chassis layout diagrams).
Paul also sent me a link to a website he and Danielle Labelle of the Société Québécoise des Collecteurs de Radios Anciens (SQCRA) put together that provides identification of Northern Electric radios from cabinet styles – very useful! Check it out here: http://web.ncf.ca/ez578/NE_list.htm. Paul also sen me the advert for the ‘Queen Mary’ model attached here.
The good news is the cabinet cleaned-up really well – so far just a little touch-up and a rub-over and polish with Howards. I still need to remove the speaker grill and check out the fabric and also fill a couple of scratches with wax.